Reports on birds, butterflies etc.

by Harm Meek

Onderstaande verslagen over (delen van) Frankrijk, Zweden, Schotland en IJsland zijn allen in het Engels gesteld om voor de hand liggende redenen. Alleen het verslag over Blanzaguet zal ook grotere delen in Franse tekst bevatten. Tenslotte enkele bijzonderheden van mijn onderzoek in het Singraven.

Blanzaguet - France

Blanzaguet is a little village in the district "Lot", along the borders of the Dordogne.
Quelque information sur Blanzaguet (dpt. Lot):



Corsica - France

In the Mediterranean Corsica ("Corse") has its own endemic species , the Corsican Nuthatch, and several endemic subspecies. There are certainly more species which will draw your attention: Cory's Shearwater, Lammergeier, Pallid Swift, Marmora's Warbler.

Gotland- Sweden

In the Baltic Sea Gotland lies between the mainlands of Sweden and the Baltic States. This has influenced the bird-fauna a great deal. Remarkable breeding species are Barnacle Goose, Golden Eagle, Corncrake, Caspian and Little Tern, Thrush Nightingale, Barred Warbler, Greenish Warbler, Collared Flycatcher and Common Rosefinch; on some cliffs there are even Auks and Guillemots. There are lots of interesting migrating waders. Also the botanist and the geologist should consider a visit there . I have visited this island in 1993 and 1996.

Wendland- Germany
all parts of Europe united

To the SE of Hamburg (Germany) lies an attractive landscape with a great variation in habitats: rich meadows with a.o. Black-tailed Godwit and woodland-birds like the Middle Spotted Woodpecker. The breeding of River Warbler and Barred Warbler is typical of this area.

Orkney isles - Scotland

On these easily accessible islands to the north of Scotland you can observe both moorland-birds and cliff-birds. When the birds are no longer your main goal you can also look for other aspects of these fines islands.


This island is rich in bird-life.Not only are the numbers of cliff-nesting birds the highest in Europe, but also will you be surprised by great numbers of Red-throated Divers, ducks, waders, Snow Bunting

Reports on Species

·        Bokjes

·        Jack Snipe


Singraven is een landgoed nabij Denekamp met een grote afwisseling aan biotopen en daardoor een grote variatie aan vlinders. Trefwoorden in dit verband zijn:
schoon water
open en gesloten bos
het kanaal Almelo-Nordhorn

You can ask for more information or give your comment by emailing me: